
Endodontic or root canal treatment is necessary when the inside of the tooth (the pulp) becomes infected or damaged.


If you are experiencing pain in a tooth it is important that we find the cause of that pain.

If during your consultation, we believe this may be as a result of a root canal problem we will explain the process to you and give you a diagnosis and prognosis on saving your tooth/teeth.

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Root canal treatments

Root canal treatment is unique to each patient and there are no ‘fixed’ number of appointments. A typical course of treatment usually involves two visits per tooth. The treatment will however be entirely dependent upon how complex your clinical situation is.

Root canal treatment is carried out when the inside of the tooth (the pulp) becomes infected or damaged and it can be very painful. The treatment eliminates the cause of the pain by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth.

The tooth is then meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before filling it back up with a durable, inert material. This means you can be pain free whilst keeping your original tooth.

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At Edge Dental Care we believe financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining some of our more expensive dental services, we therefore may be able to offer flexible payment terms.

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